

All types of cabbages come out of wild cabbage, which is met nowadays at the Mediterranean coast, where it grows in cool season (autumn, winter and spring).

The main global cabbages producer is China with the share of 45% & output of more than 8 million tons. India ranks the second in terms of volume. Its annual output is more than 5 million tons. Rather large volume of cabbages is produced in such EU countries as Italy, Spain, France, Netherlands & Poland.  The overall production of this vegetable grows both in EU countries & extra-EU: in Ecuador, Bangladesh, Iran. The most popular exporting varieties are white cabbage, broccoli & cauliflower.

White cabbage is the most popular variety in Russia. It was grown in Ancient Rus from time out of mind. The white cabbages rank the third in terms of import volume. In 2014 its share amounts 9,5% of total vegetable import according to Federal Customs Service of Russia. The structure of Russian import reflects the global trends. China takes 28% of total Russian cabbages import. The other large world exporters are Poland, Netherlands, Iran. In the latter half of the 2014 year the share of EU exporters decreased to the good of the other countries, such as China, Iran & so on.

Our company offers to its customers the products from Iran. The cabbages from Iran are available since February till April.



1 class 0,5 - 1 kg cardboard 10 kg

Beneficial features:


Food fibers – 2,5 g 
Carbohydrates – 5,8 g
Proteins – 1,28 g
Energy value: 25 kcal 

Kalium  – 170 mg
Phosphorus – 26 mg
Calcium – 40 mg
Sodium – 18 mg
Magnesium – 12 mg
Ferrum – 0,47 mg
Manganese – 0,16 mg
Cuprum – 0,019 mg
Zinc – 0,18 mg
Selenium – 0,3 mcg

А - 98 IU
С - 36,6 mg 
B1 - 0,061 mg
B2 - 0,04 mg
РР - 0,234 mg
B5 - 0,212 mg
B6 - 0,124 mg
B9 - 43 mcg
E - 0,15 mcg
К - 76 mcg


Depending on the plant’s parts, using for food, there are such types of the cabbage:   

  • Borecole. The edible parts are leaves.  The all varieties of Chinese cabbage, Khibini, Povir, Curly red cabbage, Vologodskaya green belong to this type.
  • Headed cabbage. The heads are by nature of overgrown complicated crown buds. There are red-headed, white-head & savoy varieties. Depending on duration of ripening period the white cabbage varieties are divided into early, mid-season & late.
  • Cauliflower has edible heads consisting of pulpy, greatly branched, short inflorescence shoots. All varieties of cauliflower & broccoli belong to this type.
  • Brussels sprouts has small chicons based in leaves axils.
  • Kohlrabi has the edible thickened footstalks or caulocarps.

Country of Origin:

Iran is one of the strategic partners & the biggest cabbage exporter to Russia. Besides the white-head & red-head cabbages Iran succeeded in growing of the other cabbage types, such as cauliflower & broccoli.