
Strawberry HIT

Garden strawberry is one of the wide-cultivated berries in the world. There isn’t any country in Europe where this berry is not cultivated. Russia constitutes no exception to that. Spain is the biggest strawberry & pine strawberry exporter in Europe. More than half of all strawberry crop is produced in Huelva located in the South of Andalusia. The other exporters of strawberries to Russia and European countries besides Spain are the Netherlands & Egypt.

We offer to our customers berries from Egypt. The strawberry, produced under “Sofiya” trademark, is well-known to Russian consumers. Royal Fruits Company is the strategic partner of Royal Fresh in Egypt. The harvest season in Egypt normally lasts since November to February. The strawberry is a very tender crop, that’s why the air transport is preferable.


Fresh Strawberry

1 class cardboard 2,5 kg: 10 * 0,250 kg; 2,04 kg: 6* 0,340 g

Beneficial features:


Food fibers - 2g
Carbohydrates – 7,68 g
Proteins – 0,67g
Fats – 0,3 g
Energy value: 32 kcal

Kalium  – 153 mg 
Phosphorus – 24 mg
Calcium – 16 mg 
Magnesium – 13 mg 
Manganese – 0,386 mg
Ferrum – 0,41 mg
Cuprum – 0,048 mg
Sodium – 1 mg
Selenium – 0,4 mcg
Zinc – 0,14 mg

С - 58,8 mg
B1 - 0,024 mg
B2 - 0,022 mg
PP - 0,386 mg
B5 - 0,125 mg
B6 - 0,047 mg
B9 - 24 mcg
А - 12 IU
К - 2,2 mcg


The strawberry varieties differ in fruiting time & ripening period.

There are two kinds of varieties, differ in fruiting time: ripening once every season (from June till September) & ever-bearing strawberry, which crops since the late spring till October. The climatic zone of planting plays not least part in berries ripening.

Once-every-season ripening strawberry varieties are divided by ripening period in four kinds: early, mid-early, average-late & late. Olivia, Clairy, Czech Beauty, Zarya, Antea varieties are regarded to early-ripening. The mid-early varieties are Elsanta, Festivalnaya & Stolichnaya. Present, Gigantella, Polka & Arosa belong to average-late kinds. Pegas & Chamora Tarusa are late.

Ever-bearing strawberry stands out from once-every-season by strongly developed vegetative organs. It forms fifteen-twenty times more blooms, than once-every-season strawberry does. The Queen Elizabeth II & Brighton belong to ever-bearing varieties.

Country of Origin:

Egypt. Strawberry gives good crops in Egypt. The output of these tasty & flavor berries reaches 40-50 tons per hectare, while the strawberry farms in other countries give fifteen tons at an average. The high strawberry yield in Egypt is caused by the weather conditions: the amount of sunny days in this country reaches 99% per year. The quality of growing berries is also perfect. Besides, the harvest period starts much earlier than in Russia &Europe.