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The end of winter and the beginning of spring is a time when our body especially needs support. By this point, its resources are usually maximally depleted by the fight against seasonal viruses, prolonged lack of sunlight and poorly balanced nutrition. Hence such characteristic “pre-spring” symptoms as fatigue, apathy and depression. However, to cope with vitamin deficiency, you don’t have to run to the pharmacy. Sometimes it is enough to introduce a serving of smoothies into your daily diet.

Why smoothies?

Smoothies, a thick drink with a uniform consistency, have long ceased to be an exotic item on the menu of cafes and restaurants. However, when it comes to making a fruit and vegetable drink at home, many still choose fresh juice. And this, in general, is also a good option. However, it loses to smoothies.

The fact is that when we make fresh food, we lose most of the useful fiber. But in smoothies it is preserved, because the whole fruit or vegetable is crushed in a blender.

Among the main bonuses of daily consumption of smoothies, nutritionists name the following.

• Smoothies effectively replenish the body's need for vitamins. Their main ingredients are fruits, vegetables and berries that are not cooked. Plus, the drink is consumed immediately after preparation. That is, no matter how you look at it, the concentration of useful compounds in it is maximum.

• As a result, the body becomes stronger and more resilient, and energy increases noticeably.

• Drinking smoothies on a regular basis helps maintain intestinal microflora in optimal condition and improves digestion. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

• Since most smoothies are low in calories but highly nutritious, they help you avoid overeating and help you lose weight.

What to make it from?

A huge advantage of the smoothie format is that you can endlessly experiment with a set of ingredients, focusing on the specific needs of the body and your own taste preferences.

The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.

1. To make the consistency of the smoothie less thick, you can add water, green tea, milk or natural yogurt to vegetables, fruits and berries.

2. If you consume smoothies as a full meal, then feel free to also add muesli, oatmeal, flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, etc. to the blender bowl.

3. Not enough sweetness? Add some honey. But it’s better to avoid sugar and syrups.

4. Smoothies taste best when cool, so chill the ingredients first or throw in a few ice cubes. But it is not recommended to put the finished drink in the refrigerator - it will be healthier to drink it right away.

Here are a few products that are great for getting started in the wonderful world of smoothies.


This simple and familiar root vegetable is a real storehouse of benefits. Firstly, it contains many carotenoids, which, when entering the body, are converted into vitamin A, which is responsible for the quality of vision. According to research, one medium carrot covers the daily requirement of an adult by 89%. So eating vegetables prevents dry eyes, preserves the integrity of the retina and serves to prevent age-related changes in vision.

In addition, carrots contain vitamins C and B6, as well as iron, iodine and potassium. That is why it helps strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol absorption and even prevents ulcer.

For the classic version of a monosmoothie, just simmer the carrots with water and sweetener (optional). But this vegetable goes well with other foods - for example, bananas and apples.

By the way, the Royal Fresh assortment now includes selected carrots from Egypt.


Of course, a smoothie diet cannot do without the most popular (and delicious!) source of vitamin C. And if nutritionists have questions about freshly squeezed orange juice (one glass will take more than one fruit, which means that a lot will enter the body at once sugar), then the situation is different with smoothies. Again, by preserving fiber and fiber.

A real salvation during the cold season will be a smoothie made from orange with ginger and honey. For added nutrition, you can add a few slices of banana.

The most important thing is to choose juicy and high-quality fruits. “Royal Fresh” now brings exactly these oranges from Egypt and Turkey.


For those who prefer unsweetened drinks, we advise you to pay attention to tomato-based smoothies. Tomatoes contain fiber, which is good for digestion, as well as potassium and magnesium, which affect the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, these juicy, colorful vegetables are high in lycopene, a substance that makes the blood less thick. Due to this, the risk of not only stroke and heart attack, but also chronic inflammation in the body in general is reduced. And with all this, tomatoes are low in calories – only 18 kcal per 100 grams!

To prepare smoothies with the most pleasant texture, it is better to peel tomatoes beforehand. Greens (parsley, basil, dill), celery stalks, bell pepper and garlic will work perfectly as "companions".

In the assortment of Royal Fresh, even in winter, you can find summer-flavored tomatoes – both local, Russian, and from reliable suppliers in Egypt. The application can be left at the link.