Sharon fruit

Sharon fruit

There are three species of the sharon fruit: date plum, Chinese date plum & American persimmon. All of the cultivar are based on one of the mentioned above. More than 500 different varieties of sharon fruit exist in the world. More than 40 types of this fruit are met in Japan, in China – more than 30 varieties. Many of vegetation beds of this plant are in the mountains of the Eastern Asia central part. This crop is expanded all over the Black Sea coast of Russia and in Dagestan. It is also drown in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia & Central Asia.

In 2014 Russia imported 92 062 tons of fresh sharon fruit. Israel, Spain, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan are main exporters of this fruit to Russia. Rather large volume of this crop is cultivated in Southern regions of Russia, mostly in Krasnodar Region, Dagestan & Crimea.

We offer fruit from Israel to our customers. The Israel season runs on since November till March.



1 class 10-28 cardboard 2 kg / plastic tray 1 kg

Beneficial features:


Food fibers – 3,6 g

Carbohydrates – 18,59 g

Proteins – 0,58 g

Fat – 0,19 g

Energy value: 70 kcal

Kalium  – 161 mg

Phosphorus – 17 mg

Calcium – 8 mg

Magnesium – 9 mg

Manganese – 0,355 mg

Ferrum – 0,15 mg

Cuprum – 0,113 mg

Sodium – 1 mg

Selenium – 0,6 mcg

Zinc – 0,11 mg

С - 7,5 mg

B1 - 0,030 mg

B2 - 0,020 mg

РР - 0,1 mg

B6 - 0,1 mg

B9 - 8 mcg

А - 1627 IU

E - 0,73 mcg

К - 2,6 mcg


By eating qualities Sharon fruit varieties are divided into three types: astringent, smooth & changeable (chocolate).

  • Astringent varieties lose astringency, when the pulp becomes gelatinous. It disappears as soon as the fruit ripens. Such varieties as Hachia, Seedless, Costata,  Gosho, Tanenash, Tamopan & others belong to this type.
  • The second type consists of varieties with fruit of smooth flavor also in hard state independently on pollination & seeds presence. These varieties lose astringency before the complete ripeness, when fruit are staying hard. Varieties of this type are Chineuli, Fuyu, XX century & others.
  • Changeable or chocolate persimmons improve fruit taste after the pollination. The more seeds are in the fruit, the better it tastes. Depending on pollination these varieties fruit can either be astringent or smooth. Such varieties as Hiakyme (chocolate persimmon), Zengiaru (Chocolate or Zengi-Maru), Gaily, Goshoaky, Trusu-Noko, Maru & others belong to this type.

Country of Origin:

Israel. Sharon is the main Israel variety. It is the local type, bred by Israel crop breeders & widely grown not only in Israel, but also in RSA & Asian countries.